Uprooted Magnolia

Dressed in their Sunday Best

Posted in Horses, Rodeo by leahyetter on August 31, 2010

I hope you enjoyed the images from the rodeo in Douglas I posted last week. I was so caught up in the action that I forgot to show you these beauties!  They closed out the last night of the rodeo by pulling some important State Fair folks in a carriage behind them.  They were absolutely gorgeous and on their best behavior.

Douglas Wyoming State Fair: Bull Riding

Posted in Rodeo by leahyetter on August 27, 2010

Bull Riding closed out the rodeo and all I gotta say is ouch. I had bleacher butt by the end of it but I’m sure I wasn’t half as sore as these guys.

The cowboys yank the gate open and out they come.

Huh. This doesn’t seem so bad.

Kinda like dancing.

Oh, wait. Uh-oh. Look out!


Get out tha way!

Oh no. There he goes.

Thank goodness for the bull wranglers. I guess that’s what they’re called. They are there to distract the bull from the cowboy so he can get away quickly after the fall. I wouldn’t want that job.

The testosterone was flowing through the arena this night and it was quite tense. We had a lot of fun and I found myself cheering them on at times with fists clenched, raised above my head yelling whoo, whoo, whoo.

I was glad to wake up the next morning to cuddle with my kitty cat and paint my toenails. You know, girlie stuff.

Douglas Wyoming State Fair: Mutton Bustin’ and the New Rodeo Queen

Posted in Rodeo by leahyetter on August 26, 2010

This nice gentleman never misses a rodeo. He and his buddies had a front row seat to the event and we enjoyed visiting with him before the gates opened and the cowboys went airborne.

Mutton Bustin’ was hilarious and so cute. Do not be concerned, sheep were not  harmed in this event but there was some dirt eating on the kids part. The rodeo clown took good care of them and grabbed then by their vest if it got too intense.

This next contestant got the wooliest sheep in the herd. It was supposed to help him but…

…then came the crash. He literally ate dirt.

A few tears were shed but at the end, these up and coming bronco riders got a kiss from and posed for the cameras with the Rodeo Queen contestants.

And the winner is….Brittany Richards! Formerly Miss Butch Cassidy Days.

I don’t know much about Miss Rodeo Wyoming but I do know that they receive a big Dodge Ram from Fremont Motors in Rock Springs.

Take some Ibuprofen and put on some padding because the bull riders are up next.

Douglas Wyoming State Fair: Bronc Riding

Posted in Cowboy, Horses, Rodeo by leahyetter on August 25, 2010

The rodeo started with a touching National Anthem while the current Miss Rodeo Wyoming rode her horse around the arena with the American Flag.

Then the gates opened.

Dirt kicked up and hats went flying.

The expressions are priceless.

This roan horse was our favorite.

Still to come: Crowning of Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2010, Mutton Bustin’, and Bull Riding.

I’ll give you some time to apply an icepack to your achy muscles before I show you the bull riding.