Uprooted Magnolia

Time to Rope You Back In

Posted in Cowboy, Photography by leahyetter on June 29, 2015

©Leah Yetter Photographer

Have you given up on me? Well, I’ve almost given up on blogging! Not by choice but life has been busy and business is growing and I haven’t had much time to spend here or on social media. It’s all good though.

We made it to another branding a couple of weekends ago and I’ll post that soon. But today I’ll leave you with Patrick hopefully roping you back into the Uprooted Magnolia world. 🙂


Abstract Study

Posted in Nature, Photography by leahyetter on June 1, 2015

©Leah Yetter Photographer

This past Saturday was our monthly Art Guild meeting and we had the pleasure of having the Art Mobile come and educate us on Abstract Art. Our teacher challenged us to stand in front of a piece of abstract art of our choice for 5 whole minutes and then we’d discuss how that piece made us feel. Many of the artists were deeply opposed to this kind of art and made it very known in the beginning. But everyone sat and wrote or drew their thoughts on their work of choice and we had a lively discussion afterwards. Some pieces made people feel frustrated, others felt happy and whimsical. Some found a piece told a story from their childhood.  I focused on one that made me feel comfortable and reminded me of Polaroid photos. Anyway, it was a real treat and we all enjoyed it very much! It inspired me to re-visit my freelensing and reverse macro techniques yesterday while shooting landscapes for a client. Because of all the moisture we’ve had lately, wildflowers are popping up like crazy.