Uprooted Magnolia


Posted in Horses, Photography by leahyetter on March 13, 2013

©Leah Yetter Photographer

The weatherman threatened a massive blizzard this past weekend and nothing happened. Zilch. Nada. But two nights ago it finally snowed and we had about an inch on the ground yesterday morning. It melted by mid-morning down low but yesterday evening, Squaw Mountain still beamed with a bright snow glow.

Autumn Snowfall on Squaw Mountain

Posted in Nature, Photography by leahyetter on October 27, 2011

©Leah Yetter Photographer

The snow has pretty much melted at the ranch but the high country is white and fluffy. I captured Squaw Mountain yesterday while the snow was quietly falling. I’m happy she gets to have a cool down period after overheating this summer.

New Life Begins

Posted in Nature, Photography by leahyetter on September 13, 2011

One evening last week, I took a drive over to Squaw Mountain to survey the damage.

©Leah Yetter Photographer

It was sad to see only sticks poking out of the ashy ground.

©Leah Yetter Photographer

Chirping birds seemed confused and misplaced.

©Leah Yetter Photographer

©Leah Yetter Photographer

Tears of sap oozed out of the charred trees.

©Leah Yetter Photographer

Not everything got out in time.

©Leah Yetter Photographer

Bare trees and singed pine needles filled this once lush and green forest.

©Leah Yetter Photographer

©Leah Yetter Photographer

Singed buckbrush leaves clung to their limbs.

©Leah Yetter Photographer

©Leah Yetter Photographer

©Leah Yetter Photographer

But through the forest of bare trees, I could see green.

©Leah Yetter Photographer

Patches of grass were popping up everywhere. I even saw some pine trees still green seeming to have escaped the fire and wrath of the pine beetle.

Thank you again to all the fire fighters that battled this monster.
It will take her a while to heal but there will be another spring for Squaw. Things will be blooming, birds singing, and bees humming. Just wait, we’ll see.

See more  images from this shoot here http://www.leahyetter.com/11septnewlifebegins/

And in case you missed it, here is a link to the fire http://www.leahyetter.com/110821squawfire/

Squaw Mountain Fire Update- August 24

Posted in Nature, Photography by leahyetter on August 24, 2011
©Leah Yetter Photographer

nothing but haze over the mountain today

I’ve updated the image gallery of the fire. (click the picture above for the gallery) It moved to the other side and threatened the highway but  is now mostly contained.
I just got word from the Wyoming State Forestry Division so for those of you that are local and those that are wondering, here is a portion of the letter I just received.

Squaw Mountain Fire at a Glance

Personnel: 250

Size: 14,460 acres, 80% contained

Structures: 1 seasonal cabin and out building

Date Reported: Sunday, August 21 2011

Locations: 15 miles SW of Wheatland

Injuries: none

Cause: Lightning

You can read the full report on my Facebook page.

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and comments. Photographing this monster and reporting to you has helped me cope with the devastation. We are not in the clear just yet. We still have wind. And we will be on edge for the next couple of months until the wet stuff starts falling from the sky. August and September are the hottest and driest months out here so we will be on our toes especially when there is a lightning storm. The binoculars are still sitting by the window.

Tomorrow I hope to return the blog to its regular scheduled programming. 🙂

Love to you all,

Praying for a Miracle

Posted in Uncategorized by leahyetter on August 22, 2011

Plans have changed…..there is a fire.

©Leah Yetter Photographer

Click this image for the gallery of the progression of the Squaw Mountain Fire.

I wanted to bring you images and commentary on the Master Garden Tour that took place early last week but as we all know,  life happens. Yesterday, Patrick spotted smoke on Squaw Mountain and made a frantic call to the fire chief. He geared up and headed over. It was contained after about an hour, then suddenly a tree went up in flames and fell to the ground. With the August dry conditions out here, there was no time to prevent it from spreading. As of noon yesterday, Squaw Mountain is burning from a lightning strike the night before. We have an amazing volunteer fire department and trucks from all around have come to help. Today, the big guns have arrived and it is still a continuous battle. It has spread throughout the mountain and has destroyed cabins, pastures, and a lot of timber. No one lives in the cabins and no one has been hurt. Except out hearts ache when we look at this beautiful land screaming with smoke and red flames. I’ve started a website of images with descriptions and times. Click the image above to view them and I will continue to update this image site daily, God willing. You will notice the quick progression of this thing as I have put times in most of the captions. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
PS: We are not in the path of this thing nor are any residences, as far as I know.