Uprooted Magnolia

Every Kind of Weather

Posted in Photography, Stormy Skies by leahyetter on April 8, 2013

Tis the season where Wyoming cannot decide what she wants to do. Yesterday she rained with a little snow mixed in. She blew, she stood still, she grew warm and then she howled for most of the night.

©Leah Yetter Photographer

Now the weatherman says she will dump about 10 inches of snow on us tonight through tomorrow. But I’ll believe it when I see it. All winter we’ve been teased by the weatherman that we would get some great moisture from storms and all she does is sprinkle on us… and sometimes not even that. At least my camera and I get to capture the confusion in her skies and bring them right to you.

6 Responses

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  1. ranu802 said, on April 8, 2013 at 9:01 am

    Here our weatherman is always right,if they say we’ll have snow it snows,,rain, wind you name it they all come true.Don’t be surprised if you get some of our moisture.Thank you for the post.


    • leahyetter said, on April 10, 2013 at 10:09 am

      Well Ranu, they were right for once! Check out Snowblind and Beds of Hay. (the next 2 posts) 🙂


  2. ridefireflyfarm said, on April 8, 2013 at 11:33 am

    Stay warm out there!


  3. bluebrightly said, on April 11, 2013 at 2:07 pm

    Another gorgeous, wide-open scene!


  4. cooking with audrey said, on April 12, 2013 at 2:26 am

    it must skip over you and hit us… we’ve been getting lots of late snow here in colorado… we need the moisture no doubt, but my toes are dreaming of flip flops and feet in the dirt 🙂


  5. Lenore Diane said, on April 15, 2013 at 10:10 am

    Breathtaking and gorgeous!


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